
Cross Tabulation

Just upload your data file, define your breakdowns and your tables will soon be ready.

Cross tabulation, cross-tabs or simply just Excel tables:
Whatever you call it – we automate it!

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Stop cutting and pasting!

We automate your Excel Cross Tabulation. Faster delivery, with less risk of errors.


Get insights faster

We highlight significant values for you to identify patterns and trends faster.


Does this sound familiar?

  • You need Excel cross-tabulation from a survey study.

  • You want to do the analysis yourselves, but creating the cross-tabulation is not what you want to spend time on.

  • You don’t want to change the survey platform or data provider – you just need help automating the cross-tabulation.

  • You need the Excel tables shortly after the fieldwork ends.


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Visually clear tables

We enable quick insights from the survey by:

Coloured significant values – Enhanced clarity of sub group differences.
Compact presentation of scale questions – Easier comparisons.
Indexes / dimensions – Question area averages from all your grid questions.
Percentages and counts – Both are presented.
Separate files per country / department if needed.

Scale questions

There are many different ways of presenting data for Likert Scale Questions. In our Excel Cross-tabs you always get four different measures – so you can choose the one you prefer!

Top 2 Box score (T2B) / Percent Positive
Bottom Box / Percent Negative
0-100 Average

Download Excel Demo

Click below to download a Cross Tab example (Excel file) to see exactly how your tables will look.

It’s that simple

1. Files

Upload your data

All we need from you to get started is your:

  • SPSS data file (.sav)

You will get a login where you can securely upload your file.

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2. Define breakdowns

Define breakdowns

You’ll get an Excel file based on your SPSS file where you:

  • Define the questions we should use as breakdowns.

You also have the chance to:
  • Change/shorten question and answer alternative texts.

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3. Preview your report

Web meeting

Before placing the order you’ll get a cost specification with the exact costs for the report(s).

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4. Delivery

We create your cross-tabs

Once we have approved the report and costs we produce your cross-tabs.
Expect your cross-tabs within max two working days.
Download safely through two factor authenticated login.

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Excel Cross Tabulation Automation

Order standardized cross-tabulation from our Professional service team or start using our platform. You decide!

Standard Cross Tabs


€ / project

We create tables from your data.
Included is up to:

  • 100 data columns
  • 1000 data rows
  • 50 breakdown columns
Extra Services

€ / project

Additional costs for larger tables.

  • 1€  Data column >100
  • 0.1€  Data row >1000
  • 5€  Table columns >50
  • 45€ Additional files
Platform License


€ / month

Use our platform. Upload your data.

  • 60,000 data rows / year
  • Any number of projects
  • Any number of breakdowns
  • 2 pro users

If your Excel tables does not fit into the packages above, please contact us for a customised quote.


Try before you buy

Order Cross-tabs Preview

Add your contact details below to get a free of charge (limited offer) report preview from your data set.

  • By “Submitting”, I agree that my information is handled in accordance with the privacy policy.


Want to know more before you place an order?

Cross Tabs FAQ

What are Cross Tabs?

Cross tabulations, commonly known as cross tabs, involve the analysis of categorical variables. Categorical variables represent distinct categories or groups, such as gender, age groups, product types, or geographic regions.
The primary output of a cross-tabulation is a table that displays the frequencies, counts, averages or other measures of observations that fall into the intersections of the categories of the variables being analyzed. The table is organized in rows and columns, with each cell representing the count or frequency of observations for a specific combination of categories.

Benefits of working with cross tabs?

Cross tabs are a powerful technique used to analyze the differences between groups. They comprehensively organize and interpret data, offering valuable insights into patterns, trends, and associations.

Significance tests in cross tabs

Significance tests play a crucial role in cross-tabulations by helping to determine whether the differences between variables are statistically significant or if they could have occurred by chance.

Testing the significance of a sample proportion is used to answer whether the breakdown column sample proportion is significantly greater or smaller than the total population proportion (one-tail test).

Colouring the cells or values of groups significantly higher or lower than the total values makes it easier to distinguish them visually.
Our significance tests use Significance Level 0.05 (5%) as the standard, the most commonly used level in statistical testing. The significance test level refers to the predetermined thresholds used to determine whether the statistical test results are considered statistically significant. A significance level of 0.05 indicates a 5% chance (1 in 20) of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true (Type I error).
Other common Significance Levels are 0.01 (1%) (lower probability of making Type I errors) and 0.1 (10%) (lower probability of making Type I errors).