

Basic PowerPoint report showing the percentage distribution of each survey question. You will get a mix of pie charts, column charts, bar charts and answer clouds. The type of chart is based is based on visualisation best practices. Open ends / verbatim are also included in the report.

To produce this report template based on your data set – just contact us!

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The report structure

This report present each of your survey’s questions in the same order as in your data file.

The aggregated results are always shown, no comparisons of sub groups in the total report. You can order sub group reports (like country or region) which have the exact same structure as the total report – but data is filtered.

Scale questions

All reports present the average of each scale question with colours based on the score. Darker green means higher average, red means lower average.

Grid questions are grouped together…
Questions which are from the same grid in your survey are grouped together and presented on the same page.
… and presented in stacked bar charts
The grouped scale questions are presented in stacked bars with the most positive answer alternative to the left.
Single scale questions in column charts
Scale questions not grouped together with other questions into grids are presented in column charts. One question and chart per page.
Non-scale questions

Non-scale questions are visualized differently depending on the number of answer alternatives.

Pie charts
When there are 2-3 answer alternatives the question is visualised in a pie chart.
Column chart
When there are 4-5 answer alternatives the question is visualised in a column chart.
Bar chart
6-20 answer alternatives are presented in bar charts
Answer cloud & top list
> 20 answer alternative questions are presented in an answer cloud and a sorted top 20 list
Non-scale questions

Non-scale questions presented in bar charts and column charts are sorted.

Sorted descending
Bar and column charts are always sorted descending based on percentages.
…except don’t know / other
Except for “don’t know” or “other” alternatives which always are presented last regardless of percentage and coloured grey.
…and background variables
Background variables like Age or Gender are not sorted.
Verbatim / Open-end questions / Comments /

The comments on your survey’s open-end questions (Verbatim) are also included in the PowerPoint report. We have two different ways of presenting the comments depending on the amount of data.

Presented as is…
If the verbatim will fit onto a maximum of three PowerPoint pages, they are presented as is (comment by comment, sorted by the length of each response)
… or analysed by AI
If there are more verbatim than that we use Open AI to analyse the data and write a short description together with some example quotes.


Getting started

1. Files

Upload your data

All we need from you to get started is your:

  • Data file. SPSS (.sav) is preferred, but we also accept Excel data files.

Contact us using the form below.
You will get a login where you can securely upload your file.

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2. Preview your report

Web meeting

We produce a report from your data set and present it to you in a web meeting. If you are not happy with what you see you don’t have to order the report.
No costs apply.

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3. Approve costs

Get a quote

Before placing your order you’ll get a cost specification for your report(s).


First report: 395€

  • 45 € / report up to 10
  • 22.5 € / reports 11-25
  • 13.5 € / reports above 25
Included is up to 100 data columns and 1000 data rows. Above that:
  • 1 € / column
  • 0,1 € / row

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4. Download

Download your reports

If you go ahead and order your report it will be available for you to download shortly after the meeting.
You also have the chance to change/shorten questions and answer alternative texts before receiving final reports.

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Preview before you buy

Order report preview #Percentages

Add your contact details below to get a free of charge (limited offer) report preview from your data set.

  • By “Submitting”, I agree that my information is handled in accordance with the privacy policy.

Want to know more before deciding?


What are the different graphical chart options for my percentages report?

There is a plethora of charts available for your percentages report. We typically recommend using the following due to their ease of interpretation.
Pie charts: Your classic round pie chart where each variable is represented by a segment of the pie. Useful for illustrating percentages or parts of a whole.
Column charts: The standing columns, where each represents the sum of a variable in our data. This is probably the most commonly used chart in reports. Typically used for comparing a limited number of items where you only have one variable per item.
Bar charts: Horizontal bars where every bar represents a variable. Good for when you have few categories but many items you want to display.
Stacked bar charts: Like the bar chart, this has horizontal bars, but each bar displays two or more subcategories within each variable. Good for showing, e.g. the differences in revenue streams between stores or divisions. 
Answer clouds: Also referred to as word cloud, is a way of representing different keywords respondents give in answer to a question. The size of the word relative to others represents the frequency of each word. Most commonly used when trying to understand what words customers associate a company or product with.

How do I best visualize scale questions in my percentages report?

Scale questions are close-ended survey questions where the respondent is asked to rate their opinion on something on a fixed scale. A typical question is: “How pleased are you with product X?”. The answers are given on a scale, typically with an odd number of possible answers, e.g. 1–3 or 1–5. The results are easily represented in your percentages report through a column chart, bar chart or stacked bar chart, where it is clear to see the differences in responses.

What is the best way to display grid questions in my percentages report?

Grid questions are often used to combine several question types into a table. It makes it easy to get a complete overview of your respondents’ thoughts and attitudes towards several questions within the same topic. This is typically used to gain insights into attitudes towards various aspects of a company or brand.
The visualizations of responses to grid questions in a percentage report are often displayed in a bar chart or a stacked bar chart, which can understandably capture the diversity of the answers.